Dot Point Learning Systems Apps

Science Tools 1.8.0
Science Tools for Tablet contains an extensive set of sciencecalculators, converters, data reference systems and a scienceglossary. Designed for ease of operation, the application is highlyuseful for science students and science professionals.Over 200 calculators are contained in the application, includinga scientific calculator, expression line calculator, matrixcalculator, complex number calculator, maths and statisticscalculators, vector calculators, shape calculators and over 100calculators for science equations grouped under force, linearmotion, angular motion, gases, light, energy, waves, electrical andchemistry. Most of the equation calculators can solve for anyvariable in the equation.The application contains one of the most extensive measurementconverters available, together with a base, log and angleconverter.Over 150 data reference tables are included, for chemistry,physics, biology, medical science and maths. The application can beused to quickly find the values of over 100 constants, or quicklyfind the molecular formula and molar mass of over 1000 compounds.Over 300 science and maths symbols are included, and the systemcontains over 200 balanced chemical equations. It containsinteractive periodic tables, and flowcharts for mechanical andelectrical derived quantities. It lists planet data, measuringdevices, fields of science, maths formula, element properties,compound nomenclature, electrode potentials, latent heats, steamtables, logic operations, frequencies, electron configuration,quantum numbers, radiation types, specific heats, forms of energy,biomes, ecological groups, material cycles, cell structures andanatomical terms as well as many other reference tables and sourcesof data.The data reference system also contains an extensiveself-testing section to quickly test for terms in general science,physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and medical science.The glossary system contains explanations of over 1000 scienceterms with phonetics for each term. The glossary system alsocontains extensive lists of prefixes, suffixes and acronymscommonly found in general science and medical science.The topics system contains a series of easy to read andcomprehend topics in chemistry, physics and biology. Quickself-testing is available for any text, and any section of text canbe summarised by selecting a button. Interactive explanatorydiagrams are used throughout.The application contains a search system to quickly findreference data or calculators, and a help system to explainoperation.The application is stand alone and does not require connectionto the internet.
Science Tools 2 2.0.0
Science Tools contains an extensive setofscience calculators, converters, data reference systems andascience glossary. Designed for ease of operation, theapplicationis highly useful for science students and scienceprofessionals.Over 200 calculators are contained in the application,includinga scientific calculator, expression line calculator,matrixcalculator, complex number calculator, maths andstatisticscalculators, vector calculators, shape calculators andover 100calculators for science equations grouped under force,linearmotion, angular motion, gases, light, energy, waves,electrical andchemistry. Most of the equation calculators can solvefor anyvariable in the equation.The application contains one of the most extensivemeasurementconverters available.Over 150 data reference tables are included, forchemistry,physics, biology, medical science and maths. Theapplication can beused to quickly find the values of over 100constants, or quicklyfind the molecular formula and molar mass ofover 1000compounds.Over 300 science and maths symbols are included, and thesystemcontains over 200 balanced chemical equations. Itcontainsinteractive periodic tables, and flowcharts for mechanicalandelectrical derived quantities. It lists planet data,measuringdevices, fields of science, maths formula, elementproperties,compound nomenclature, electrode potentials, latentheats, steamtables, logic operations, frequencies, electronconfiguration,quantum numbers, radiation types, specific heats,forms of energy,biomes, ecological groups, material cycles, cellstructures andanatomical terms as well as many other referencetables and sourcesof data.The data reference system also contains an extensiveself-testingsection to quickly test for terms in general science,physics,chemistry, biology, earth science and medical science.The glossary system contains explanations of over 1000scienceterms with phonetics for each term. The glossary systemalsocontains extensive lists of prefixes, suffixes andacronymscommonly found in general science and medical science.The application contains a search system to quicklyfindreference data or calculators, and a help system toexplainoperation.The application is stand alone and does not require connectiontothe internet.
Science Essentials 3.1.0
An extensive set of calculators and data reference systemsforscience.